Build your clinical expertise, confidence and practice with Professional Clinical Mentoring with Dr Cathryn Costa
I've been in clinical practice for over 20 years so I know the benefit of brainstorming a difficult case to gain a fresh and deeper insight from an academic perspective. Even debriefing over a case or situation that has you stumped can help provide clarity to grow and learn.
I will help guide you to consider different aspects of the case, explore specific functional laboratory investigations, communicate clearer with your clients, learn new skills and grow as a practitioner.
Build your clinical expertise, confidence and practice with Professional Clinical Mentoring with Dr Cathryn Costa
I've been in clinical practice for over 20 years so I know the benefit of brainstorming a difficult case to gain a fresh and deeper insight from an academic perspective. Even debriefing over a case or situation that has you stumped can help provide clarity to grow and learn.
I will help guide you to consider different aspects of the case, explore specific functional laboratory investigations, communicate clearer with your clients, learn new skills and grow as a practitioner.
As part of my involvement in education, I offer formal mentoring to students and professionals such as naturopaths, acupuncturists, nutritionists, midwives and nurses on
• Fertility and natural conception
• How to interpret semen analysis and improve parameters
• How to interpret pathology results for fertility, IVF and pregnancy
• Nutritional guidance for pregnancy
• Deeper understanding of pregnancy complications and health options
• Holistic therapies for birth
• Anything that needs a bit of extra input
Mentoring can take the form of a live one on one session in my Glenelg clinic or online with video calling (zoom)
Please Email your case Summary including the patients symptoms and pathology results and highlight your questions and thoughts to [email protected]
The case you present is discussed either over the phone or via Zoom (no reply via email).
Please be succinct and prepared as time allocation is strictly adhered too.
You are provided with considerations and suggestions on the following
• Further investigations
• Interpretation of results
• Putting it all together to simplify and communicate clearly
• Possible treatment options
• Any additional thoughts or questions
• Referrals and how to draft your referral letter
Mentoring does not include the following
• Email correspondence about the case review or a treatment plan.
• Essay submissions or reviews
• Follow up advice or ongoing advice about the case (if you require further assistance please book another mentoring session)
• Recording of the session
• It is not transferable to other people
• no more than one case per session
Email: [email protected] to initiate your mentoring session and grow your practice
(Your first email can be your case summary and a subject line with mentor).
Video conferencing
Connect with me for a 1/2 hour or 1-hour phone or Zoom consultation to go over your case and troubleshoot. Book via the online booking link.
If you need to organise another day/time email [email protected] to organise.
Mentoring to occur within reasonable working hours Monday to Friday 9am - 7pm (SA time)
How do I prepare?
For all mentoring sessions, it is advantageous to provide a case summary via email. However, you can also present verbally or schematically.
I work with you to identify the local, systemic, and root causes and influences to help you manage the case and consider possible interventions.
All information supplied in mentoring is to be de-identified by yourself due to privacy laws (no name, address, DOB details).
It is advisable to receive your client/patient’s consent to share information that is de-identified.
Mentoring is based on clinical experience, personal research, and current understanding based on the information you provide.
Mentoring is a discussion between two professionals.
Any advice offered by Cathryn will need to be assessed by the primary clinician as being suitable based on their understanding of the case.
As the clients are not assigned to Cathryn Costa she is not liable for any part of their care.
Practitioners are encouraged to follow up on information provided in mentoring and assess